Kapwa Gardens
KAPWA GARDENS is a 5 year public space activation experiment transforming the 967 Mission parking lot. Designed to be a cultural asset for SOMA Pilipinas, this program connects a diverse community of residents, students, workers & movement builders through vendor popups, live music, public screenings, cultural activities and more.
This multi-functional garden is an outdoor space showcasing activities that heal the mind & body and expand our consciousness and raise the level of empathy in a downtrodden area of San Francisco.
kapwagardens.com »“It's community places and events like this that make San Francisco a magical place to live in -- despite everything going down in SF.”
Yelp review
“This is an awesome event space. Lots of history in this neighborhood with the Filipino community and great to see the community make an effort to revitalize the area. Need an outdoor space? Check out Kapwa Gardens”
Yelp review
“Beautiful community space celebrating the Filipino culture! There are always fun events going on. It’s a rejuvenating oasis in the middle of SoMa.”
Google review

Kapwa Gardens by the Numbers
Events at Kapwa Gardens since 2022
Vendors at Kapwa Gardens
Different styles of Filipino martial arts featured
Volunteers helped build Kapwa Gardens
Months to complete the build-out
Donated from the city of San Francisco for building materials
Raised from 137 private donors
Vendor sales generated at Kapwa Garden events in 2023
PCR Covid test and growing
Rapid antigen tests distributed to the community and growning